“Volli, e volli sempre”
Born in Piedmont, Italy.
B.Sc. and M.Sc., University of Turin, where I started my academic career by working on butterfly conservation.
Intern, Geopatial Analysis Deptartment at Zion National Park (Utah, USA) thanks to a “Fondazione CRT” grant https://www.fondazionecrt.it/en/.
Ph.D., University of Alberta, in Prof. Scott Nielsen’s Lab https://ace-lab.ca/, funded by the LRIGS program https://lrigs.ualberta.ca/, to understand how human activities affect biodiversity in the fragmetned boreal forests of Canada.
Postdoc, Lenore Fahrig’s Lab https://carleton.ca/fahriglab/, studying the potential of small habitat patches for global biodiversity conservation.
Postdoctoral fellow, eButterfly https://www.e-butterfly.org/, funded by Mitacs https://www.mitacs.ca/en, to mobilize large-scale community science data for butterfly conservation across North America.
Postdoctoral fellow, Antoine Guisan’s Ecospat Lab https://www.unil.ch/ecospat/en/home.html funded by a Marie Curie fellowship in collaboration with Dr. David Roy, UKCEH https://www.ceh.ac.uk/staff/david-roy to understand how climate change will affect butterflies across Europe.
Assistant professor, VU Amsterdam https://research.vu.nl/en/persons/federico-riva. Bridging gaps among landscape ecology, complexity science, and conservation.
Leading a team involving scientists from VU Amsterdam and University of Lausanne for the “Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Challenge” opened by Swiss Re, AXA, EY, and WWF.