
Here you can find a list of my academic publications. Please visit my Google Scholar profile for a link to the original papers Copies are also available on my ResearchGate profile.

♦ = Mentored student or Early Career Researcher

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37- Riva, F, C Galán-Acedo, AE Martin, L Fahrig. Why we should not assume that habitat fragmentation is generally bad for restoration: a reply to Watts & Hughes 2024. Restoration Ecology. In Press.

36- Martin, CJ♦, JM Twambaze, F Riva. The citizen science – nature tourism alliance. BioScience. In Press.

35- Deane, D♦ and F Riva. Time and matrix quality increase the relative habitat value of smaller patches in fragmented landscapes. Journal of Applied Ecology. In Press.


34- Gould, E, HS Fraser, TH Parker, S Nakagawa… F Riva… RA Zitomer (2024). Same data, different analysts: variation in effect sizes due to analytical decisions in ecology and evolutionary biology. BMC Biology. In press.

33- Chowdhury, S, M Cardillo, J Chapman, D Green, R Norris, F Riva, M Zalucki, R Fuller (2024). Protected areas fail to cover the full annual cycle of migratory butterflies. Conservation Biology. Early View, e14423.

32- Riva, F, N Haddad, L Fahrig, C Banks-Leite (2024). Principles for area-based biodiversity conservation. Ecology Letters. 27 (6), e14459.

31- Galan Acedo, C, L Fahrig, F Riva, T Schulz (2024). Positive effects of fragmentation per se on the most iconic metapopulation. Conservation Letters. 17 (3), e13017.

30- Riva, F, CJ Martin, C Galan-Acedo, EN Bellon, P Keil, A Moran-Ordonez, L Fahrig, A Guisan (2024). Incorporating effects of habitat patches into species distribution models. Journal of Ecology. 112 (10), 2162-2182.

29- Riva, F, E Pierre♦, A Guisan (2024). On the emergence of ecosystem decay: a critical assessment of patch area effects across spatial scales. Biological Conservation. 296, 110674.

28- Riva, F, N Koper, L Fahrig (2024). Overcoming confusion and stigma in habitat fragmentation. Biological Reviews. 99 (4), 1411-1424.

27- Viliani, L ♦, S Bonelli, G Gentile, E Parile, Riva, F (2024). Diverging sub-fields in functional ecology. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 12, 1267605.

26- Chaikin, S, F Riva, JP Lessard, K Marshall, Belmaker Y (2024). Marine fishes experiencing high-velocity range shifts may not be climate change winners. Nature Ecology and Evolution. 8, 936-946.


25- Riva, F, C Graco-Roza, GN Daskalova, EJ Hudgins, JMM Lewthwaite, E Newman, M Ryo, S Mammola (2023). Towards a cohesive understanding of ecological complexity. Science Advances. 9 (25), eabq4207.

24- Usui, T and Lerner, D, IMK Eckert, AL Angert, CJ Garroway, AL Hargreaves, LT Lancaster, J-P Lessard, F Riva, C Schmidt, KRL van der Burg, KE Marshall (2023). The evolution of plasticity at geographic range edges. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 38 (9), 831-842.

23- Eckert, I, A Brown, D Caron, F Riva, LJ Pollock (2023). 30×30 biodiversity gains rely on national coordination. Nature Communications. 14 (1), 7113.

22- Riva, F and L Fahrig. Obstruction of biodiversity conservation by minimum patch size criteria. Conservation Biology. 37 (5), e14902.

21- Riva, F, A-P Drapeau Picard, M Larrivée (2023). Butterfly foraging is remarkably synchronous in an experimental tropical macrocosm. Biology Letters. 19 (3), 20220555.

20- Riva, F, F Barbero, E Balletto, S Bonelli (2023). Combining environmental niche models, multi‐grain analyses, and species traits identifies pervasive effects of land use on butterfly biodiversity across Italy. Global Change Biology 29 (7), 1715-1728.

19- Riva, F and L Fahrig (2023). Landscape‐scale habitat fragmentation is positively related to biodiversity, despite patch‐scale ecosystem decay. Ecology Letters 26 (2), 268-277.


18- Riva, F, CJ Martin, K Millard, L Fahrig (2022). Loss of the world’s smallest forests. Global Change Biology 28 (24), 7164-7166.

17- Palacio, FX, CT Callaghan, P Cardoso, EJ Hudgins, MA Jarzyna, G Ottaviani, F Riva, C Graco-Roza, V Shirey, S Mammola (2022). A protocol for reproducible functional diversity analyses. Ecography. (11), e06287

16- Viliani, L ♦, M Vercelli, S Bonelli, DB Roy, F Riva (2022). Does a short Pollard walk transect capture butterfly and bee diversity? A test to inform pollinator monitoring and community science initiatives. Insect Conservation and Diversity. 15 (6), 645-654.

15- Riva, F and L Fahrig (2022). The disproportionately high value of small patches for biodiversity conservation. Conservation Letters. 15 (3), e12881.


14- Riva, F and S Mammola (2021). The rarity facets of biodiversity: integrating Zeta diversity and Dark diversity to understand the nature of commonness and rarity. Ecology and Evolution. 11 (20), 13912-13919.

13- Fahrig, L, C Arnillas, V Arroyo-Rodríguez, T Jörger-Hickfang, J Müller, H Pereira, F Riva, V Rösch, S Seibold, T Tscharntke, J Watling, F May (2021). Resolving the SLOSS dilemma for biodiversity conservation: a research agenda. Biological Reviews. 97 (1), 99-114.

12- Riva, F and SE Nielsen. (2021). A functional perspective on the analysis of land use and land cover data in ecology. Ambio. 50, 1089–1100.

11- Gentile, G♦, S Bonelli, F Riva (2021). Intraspecific variation matters in insect trait analysis. Ecological Entomology. 46(1), 11-18.

10- Pinzon, J, A Dabros, F Riva, J Glasier. (2021). Short-term effects of wildfire in boreal peatlands: does fire mitigate the linear footprint of oil and gas exploration? Ecological Applications. 31(3), e02281.


9- Riva, F and SE Nielsen. (2020). Six key steps for functional landscape analyses of habitat change. Landscape Ecology. 35, 1495-1504. 2020 Best Article Award in Landscape Ecology.

8- Riva, F, G Gentile♦, S Bonelli, JH Acorn, FV Denes, AD Crosby, SE Nielsen. (2020). Of detectability and camouflage: evaluating Pollard Walk rules using a common, cryptic butterfly. Ecosphere. 11 (4), e03101. Cover of Ecosphere, Vol. 5 (11).


7- Riva, F, J Pinzon, JH Acorn, SE Nielsen. (2019). Composite Effects of Cutlines and Wildfire Result in Fire Refuges for Plants and Butterflies in Boreal Treed Peatlands. Ecosystems. 23 (3), 485-497. Nominated for the “Nobel peatland prize 2019”.

6- Riva, F and Campbell, EO, F Carroll♦, JH Acorn. (2019). Identification “by eye”: integrative character assessment informs regional field identification of greater fritillary butterflies (Nymphalidae: Speyeria). Journal of Insect Conservation. 24, 259–267.


5- Riva, F, JH Acorn, SE Nielsen. (2018c). Distribution of cranberry blue butterflies (Agriades optilete) and their responses to forest disturbance from in situ oil sands and wildfires. Diversity. 10(4), 112. Invited contribution to a “Butterfly conservation” special issue.

4- Stern, ER♦, F Riva, SE Nielsen. (2018). Effects of narrow linear disturbances on light and wind patterns in fragmented boreal forests in northeastern Alberta. Forests. 9, 486.

3- Riva, F, JH Acorn, SE Nielsen. (2018b). Narrow corridors direct the movement of a generalist boreal butterfly. Biology Letters. 14 (2), 20170770.

2- Riva, F, JH Acorn, SE Nielsen. (2018a). Localized disturbances from oil sands developments increase butterfly diversity and abundance in Alberta’s boreal forests. Biological Conservation. 217, pp. 173-180.


1- Riva, F, F Barbero, S Bonelli, E Balletto and LP Casacci. (2017). The acoustic repertoire of lycaenid butterfly larvae. Bioacoustics. 26 (1), pp. 77-90.

A brown elfin butterfly (Callophrys augustinus) perching on its larval host plant, Labrador tea (Rhododendron groenlandicum)